Structuring Your Memoirs
We like to think of a life as a series of chapters; each Chapter set around a broad set of years coinciding with the various stages of your life. The below questions and structure correspond to our free google docs template. We also send other prompts out via text that you can use to build out your entire life story. Click the below button to activate these prompts.
The prologue to your memoirs should give a high level overview of who you are and how you view your own story. You should write and speak in this chapter as though you were speaking to a loved one. More often than not you are!
.Is there a significant piece of your family history that is oft discussed and held proudly by your family?
Chapter 1 (Childhood) (Ages 1- 5)
Chapter 1 should explore your earliest memories.
What's your happiest memory from your childhood?
What do you remember most about your parents?
Where did you hang out as a kid? What memories do you associate with that spot?
What is your favorite memory in your childhood home?
What were the kids in your neighborhood like?
What do you remember most about your childhood?
Did you spend summers in a place other than your hometown? What were they like?
Chapter 2 (Childhood - Early Teenage Years) (Ages 5-14)
Chapter 2 should explore your transition from a child to a teenager. The most important people at this stage of our lives are often our childhood friends and our family.
How did you pass the time as a kid? Any particular hobbies or things you liked to do?
What was your favorite part about elementary school?
Did you do any significant travel as a kid? Any good memories?
What was your favorite show growing up?
Chapter 3 (Teenage Years) (Ages 14-18)
Chapter 3 should explore your teenage years.
What's your favorite memory from highschool?
Did you play any sports in highschool? What good memories do you associate with them?
Were you a member of any clubs in highschool? What were they? What do you remember most about them?
Who were your closest friends in highschool? What good times did you guys have?
Who was the most popular musician when you were in highschool? Did you like them?
What sports did you play?
What trouble did you get into with your friends?
Chapter 4 (Early Adulthood) (Ages 18-23)
Chapter 4 should explore your transition into being a young adult.
Who were your closest friends in college?
Did you have a college sweetheart? What do you remember about them?
What was your first real job?
Whats the weirdest job you've worked?
Whats the best job you've worked?
What's your favorite memory from college?
Chapter 5 (Your 20s) (Ages 23-29)
Chapter 5 should explore your late 20s.
How did you and your spouse / partner meet?
What did you love most about your spouse when you met?
What was your first job? Was it fulfilling?
What were your 20s like overall?
What was it like getting your career going?
Did you meet your spouse in this stage of your life?
Chapter 6 (Your 30s) (Ages 30-39)
Chapter 6 should explore your 30s.
How did you propose (or get proposed to)?
What was your wedding like? When and where was it, and what did you wear? How did you feel seeing your future spouse on that day?
Where did you go on your honeymoon if you went somewhere?
Do you have any kids? What has it been like raising them?
How did you choose the names of your kids?
Did you have kids?
What was your career like at this stage?
How was your experience starting a family?
Chapter 7 (Your 40s) (Ages 40-49)
Chapter 7 should explore your 40s.
When did your kids start school? How did it feel watching them step into life?
How have your 40s been?
Where was your career at in your 40s? Did it develop significantly since then?
Did you have a serious career change?
How close was your family at this stage?
Chapter 8 (Your 50s) (Ages 50-59)
Chapter 8 should explore your 50s.
What has it been like watching your kids grow up?
Have you attended any family reunions? What are they like?
Was your career fully established in your 50s? Were there any goals you have since completed since then?
What was it like looking towards retirement?
Did you have trouble seeing your kids transition into adults?
Chapter 9 (Retirement) (Ages 60+)
Chapter 9 should explore your retirement.
Have you retired yet? If yes, how is it treating you?
What are the most important lessons you have learned in your life?
What are the golden years like, if you're there?
How has the world changed as you've gotten older?
What was it like like transitioning into your retirement?
Did you struggle with this stage?
Do you have any Grandchildren?
Your conclusion should be a reflection on your life and a review of the broad strokes.
What are you proud of in your life?
How do you feel looking back on your life?
If you had to sum up your personal philosophy on life, what would it be?
How do you want people to remember you?