Journal for Positivity
"You enhance your relationship with yourself by writing. If you start to write, the writing is like a mirror. It reflects what's going on in your unconscious. And things will come out if you start to write in journal form that you didn't know that you knew."
- Phil Stutz
The aim of these prompts is to help you engage with the journaling process. The goal is simply to help you take the first step towards getting your stream of consciousness flowing into your journal.
How It Works
We will text you questions meant to make you reflect on your current state of mind.
Answer our prompts in a paper journal. Revisit old prompts on days you cannot think of what to write.
This journal is not explicitely meant to be shared with other people. We recommend storing in a private place and starting a new journal when you complete it.
Our Questions
Our prompts are specifically written to help you remember specific moments in the past that you don't always think about or that evoke certain emotions (like positivity for our positivity journals). Please email us at if you purchased a digital journal and want to switch the prompts you receive.